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Dmm Wallnut Size 10

Dmm Wallnut Size 10

Dmm Wallnut Size 10

The Size 10 Wallnut from DMM is an important part of rock climbing gear. This is the tenth size, second biggest of nut in the DMM range, it features a standardised sizing colour of silver. The colour recognition is aligned also with Wild Country, as to easily identify the size you need along with double sealed numbered labels. This large rock climbing nut or chock is 28.8 x 32.6mm with a strong wire thread, strength up to 12kN and weight 56g. The DMM nut has complex 3D curves and scallops means it can be secured and quick placement in all rock types. Extruded bar used on sizes 7 to 11 to reduce weight.To add more sizes from DMM or to see the full collection of <strong{{widget type=Magento\Catalog\Block\Category\Widget\Link template=category/widget/link/link_inline.phtml id_path=category/410}}</strong<div style=text-align:left;font-weight:bold;font-size: 20px; <strongFind More</strong </div <a href= Nuts & Hexes</a

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